Small Town Spawns Big Dreams

Living in a small town is one of the greatest experiences to have ever known.  For me, that is likely due to living  so close to bodies of water including lakes, river, ponds, and, creeks that gave me access to fish and enjoy the great outdoors.  I’m so thankful for my parents for exposing me to these places because it has instilled within me a lifelong desire to pursue my passions.  Learning to live in this environment also provided me with a desire to always be learning.

It seems to me that once we stop learning, we stop living. That is a pretty heavy statement but it’s true.  Think about it.  If we think we have learned all there is to learn about something we love it starts to become boring and that is when the passion starts to fade.  Maybe the greater good is that this situation can lead to the discovery or rediscovery of an even greater passion.  I’ll be honest and tell you that being in business for yourself is not always easy.  There are constant demands, struggles, and pursuits of contentment.  It is these constants that led me back to the greatest passion I know and the pursuit of a livelihood within that.  You see, all those years spent on the waterways gave me such a strong love of fishing and being outdoors.  I never lost that love throughout all of the other careers that I attempted.  To me this is what dreaming is all about.  It’s about a flame that still burns no matter how far you stray away from it.  I’d even go as far as to say that the dreaming can keep you alive–literally.

So here I am writing this message to you with the hope and desire that that you realize and pursue your true passions with the life that you are gifted.  It’s a remarkable journey to begin or to continue whichever the case may be for you.  I’m a small town, family man who never lost the ability to dream.  Now, certainly there were times that I  lost my way, but the dreaming kept me reaching for something greater.  I’m really looking forward to the next chapter in my life.  It would be easy to kick myself and wonder why I didn’t do this earlier in life but the greatest gift is that I am here to pursue my passions now with an endless love.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for putting me in a place where dreams are real.

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